Home News Event ACSI invited from Synnex Plc. and AIS Plc.to update the cybersecurity for manufactuing


ACSI invited from Synnex Plc. and AIS Plc.to update the cybersecurity for manufactuing

Date : 2024-05-15
  • Event Name: AIS Digital Business for Manufacturing
  • Owner: AIS Plc.
  • Date: 15-May-2024
  • Location: Friendly Bean Cafe & Co-working Space
  • Audience: 15Attendees, 8Corporates from manufacturing segment

ACSI invited from Synnex Plc. and AIS Plc. to join an event to update the automate tools and cybersecurity for manufactuing, special in the Samut-Sakhon area. In the event, ACSI proposed the method to "Empowering Cyber Security Posture", which moving our customer step into a stage of proactive cyber security.

Start from the endpoints which mostly to be an attack surface. With our services to hunt-down an intruder, we could assess advance persistent threat which located inside the corporate. Also indicate the potential risk application. Which help to let our customer clening-up themselves, as Cyber Hygiene concept.

Then integrating ACSI SAFE3.0 to help monitoring and alert the IT's security concerned behaviors. The SAFE3.0 is a solution specialist on Log Analysis. Which centralized Log information from diversity of cyber security devices, then visulizing log in term of human-reable view and ruling alert for proactive security.

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